April 17th marked the start of the 2011 Holy Week. Here in the Philippines, there are many different traditions and beliefs connected to commemorate this Sacred week, and one of them is the "penitensya"
One region that is famous in this annual ritual is Central Luzon. If you’re a Kapampangan, or closely related to one, you have surely heard of the word “Salibatbat”. Salibatbat refers to flagellants, or people who roam around villages while whipping their backs during Maundy Thursday or Good Friday. They stop at every Church or Pabasa site, where they pray, crawl, or walk on their knees while being hit with banana stems or an instrument called “panabad”. Some believe that their sins will be forgiven by doing these acts.

I got the chance of taking these pictures of the flagellants when we visited my sister’s family in Concepcion, Tarlac 2 years ago.

Today, April 22nd, is Good Friday. Most are out of town. For Christians, it is a time to reflect, a time for sacrifice. Or just a time to relax and enjoy the silence.